
Full Circle

Let’s face it…not everyday is filled with roses and puppies. Sometimes it is hard to find the silver lining in things. We wake up on the wrong side of the bed. One too many things end up not going our way. Maybe your day just seems destined to not work out as planned. Many of these “things” or circumstances are out of our own control. Do you know what you do have control over, however? Simple: your frame of mind. You have the ability to put your happy pants on. You can choose to throw in the towel, be stressed, or have a negative attitude about all of the unfortunate. OR, you can do your best to find a source of happiness, to forget about the things you can’t control and focus on things you can. Take a lesson from the video below and turn your bad day into good by “giving a little love.” It just might go full circle and find its’ way back to you.


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